Academic Resources

Math Online Games and Brain Teasers
Math is Fun!!!! There are links below to a variety of games and math puzzles for every member of your family.
Give one activity a try each week or even every day and share your favourite challenges with your friends and classmates.
Click on the underlined titles to connect to the website pages.
- engaging algebraic puzzles, completed electronically, for all ages
- Grades 2-12 number flexibility, also on Twitter
- math puzzles to try, contact a friend and solve these challenges together
- math games to play with your whole family, don't let the grade suggestion stop you
- Grades 3-12, try archived problems to check your solution
- solve a real-world problem, try this with a friend on Google Meet, Grades 4-12
- try these strategy games and puzzlers, something for every grade and family member
- math problems with hints; some are in French, fun for every grade and family member
- dice chats for the whole family, discuss how you each 'see' the numbers and find the sum
- take a long slow look at these photos to find the answers, puzzles for the whole family
- math tasks to solve; some great visual challenges for the artist that is in us all
- articles and videos; believe in your math potential and keep a positive mindset
Need homework support?
Pull out your board games, play some cards, build something,, or try a new recipe. Most importantly - use your math skills to exercise your brain and have some family fun!
Innovation and Design
Looking for a challenge? Are you missing CTF and CTS? Try some of these Innovation and Design sites and learn a new skill!
Girls who code at home - Fun games and activities to learn about Coding and computer science. - Lots of fun and engaging ways to learn to code for all ages!
- Learn coding, electronics and 3D Design.