Ideas That Make Cents Budget Consultation for 2024-2025

As we prepare for another academic year, we are pleased to announce the launch of the annual budget consultation for the 2024-2025 school year.
Why Your Voice Matters: Your input shapes our priorities. We believe that the best decisions are made collaboratively, drawing from the collective wisdom of parents, guardians, students, educators, and community members. Your perspectives, insights, and innovative ideas are key to our budgeting process.
Navigating the Fiscal Landscape: The past year has been marked by challenges and opportunities alike. The Division is faced with reduced reserve funds and a deficit 2023-2024 budget; going forward, the division cannot supplement government funding with reserve funds. Our main goal is to best support students with meaningful learning opportunities within the funding framework provided by the Province.
Your Role in Informing our Priorities: You are a partner in education. Your thoughtful responses will inform us as we allocate resources, prioritize initiatives, and chart a course for the 2024-2025 academic year. You can contribute by completing a short, 10 question survey on the following topics:
- Cost-Effective Learning: Share your ideas on cost-effective ways to enhance learning.
- Operating Efficiencies: How can we further streamline our operations?
- Priority Areas: Select your top three areas of priority from the funding announcement.
- Services to Reconsider: Is there a service we provide that you believe we should reconsider?
- Revenue Generation: How can we generate additional revenue?
- Unmet Needs: Are there services or supports we’re missing?
- Innovative Solutions: Propose long-term, innovative ideas (like solar panels) that can offset future costs.
Your Voice, Our Future: Together, we’ll ensure that our budget reflects our shared vision—engagement, support, and success for each learner. Let’s make every cent count!
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