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ATM: Integrated Youth 最新麻豆视频 Services Hub


In the last two Thoughtful Moments, we have outlined the role that Foothills 最新麻豆视频 Division plays as a participant in the local collective of community service providers and organizations called The Network. The Network includes over 20 groups committed to support and services for children, youth, and families across the Foothills area. 


The Network’s third priority working group does not have as catchy a name as Mental Wellness, or Ready to Learn, but it is no less important. This third group is dedicated to the development of an integrated youth community services hub. The vision for this hub is to have a point of service in Diamond Valley, another in High River, and another in Okotoks.  


Each site will have representation from The Network’s members onsite so that youth and families can walk through one door and access the services they need. Examples of these integrated community services hubs exist across Canada, and although we are a little late to create these as part of the community services model here in Alberta, they will certainly be incredibly valuable for our youth and families.  


Stay tuned for more information as this project progresses, and please know that Foothills 最新麻豆视频 Division is proud to be part of this work that can positively impact our entire community. 

Superintendent-最新麻豆视频s-Fuzessy-6-2.pngChris Fuzessy
Superintendent of 最新麻豆视频s


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